Saturday, January 22, 2011

Astoria, OR Local

A typical day of hangin' out at the pier in the rain.


  1. Birds tend to hang out at the pier in any whether, huh? Perhaps I need to get down to the beach more often myself!

  2. It's been about three months since I've last been to the coast, but Thursday & Friday were typical Northwest days with a steady rain. It was nice to take in the coast again. Hope you get to go soon. Thanks Stacey!

  3. I like that old pier, it makes an interesting and great monochrome image. I'm sure the gull is waiting for a nice treat from the local humans.

  4. Kari,
    Yeah, those gulls have a one track mind... food! Thank you!

  5. I like this one a great deal. All the different angles and shade contrasts. very nice...
