Saturday, August 14, 2010

Isn't it Amazing?

Isn't it amazing that we're on a planet swirling around the universe yet we're surrounded by beautiful and orderly things such as this?  I know that there are some who believe in evolution, which is to say nothing + nobody = everything.  But the design in the universe doesn't seem to be random.

Over the course of his life Albert Einstein became a deist - a believer in an impersonal creator God.  He once stated, "I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings."  Einstein was half right.


  1. I agree...and these are so beautiful. The light and the perfect! Nice!

  2. Come and see what God has done, how awesome His works. ~Paslm 66:5~
    That kind of says it all Mike! I love sunflowers!

  3. Wonderful post Mike. Blessings today!

  4. Carolyn - thank you for your comment!

    Eve - amen to Psalm 66:5! Thank you!

    Dimple - thank you for your comment!

    Stacey - thank you!

  5. Glorious, cheerful, Yellow. I love the first one especially. Very beautiful.

  6. Kari - I like that word glorious; thank you for your comment!

  7. Been away, just catching up Mike, isn't that just amazing. They are lovely flowers.

  8. Hi Roy - thanks for stopping by and your comment!
