Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fancy Squirrel Bridge

Yesterday while in Longview, Washington I thought I would show this unique squirrel bridge again with it's summer view.  This crosses a busy street in front of the public library and gives the squirrels a safe way to cross... in case they need a book.  I showed this bridge in March with a different view.


  1. That's funny!
    I remember you posting it from before. I saw two squirrels today that could have used a bridge...they were splatted on the road.

  2. Kari - before they built this bridge there must have been a lot of casualties.

    Thanks for stopping by Jel!

  3. How nice of them to do this to "save a squirrel!" Are the little critters smart enough to use it?

  4. Carolyn - yes they do use it. I think it might have originally started back in 1963 (click on top image) when a squirrel got up enough nerve to go into a city council meeting and say their civil rights were being violated because they couldn't safely cross the street to go to the library. Or something like that. Thanks for your comment!

    Joan - Thank you for stopping by!

  5. OMG, that is adorable. I wish more squirrels would use a bridge rather than trying to cross busy roads! :(

  6. Nice to see. I did steal a copy for our Squirrel Page on Facebook.
