Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Tree

I drive or ride by this tree sometimes three times a week. I refer to it as "the tree". I usually look at it whenever I go by. It has a different look depending on the season. The above photo was taken Friday afternoon about 4 pm.

I was going to post this photo yesterday morning but decided against it Friday night. Yesterday, Stacey at Addicted to The Click posted a wonderful image of a dramatic sunset and tree that she calls hers. At the risk of being a copycat, she suggested that I still show my tree.

The tree itself is not necessarily interesting. The fact that it's alone in a field is sort of attractive. And just like the fields I showed a week ago, this field is also filling with rain water. In fact, this field is about 1/2 mile down the road from the others.

The images above and below were taken four years ago last week. It was later in the afternoon and I didn't have a tripod with me so the ISO was pretty high. The tree looks lonely yet confident.

It's interesting that many trees go through the harsh winter months stripped of all their leaves and yet come back stronger in the spring. I think God has the same plan for us when He brings us through trials and tribulations. And I don't always remember to do this but I think it's important to turn to Him immediately at the first sign of trouble.


  1. I've fallen behind on my reading. I'm glad you decided to post your tree. I don't have a special tree, but I do have special places that I like to visit over and over. Some places have that special, magical feel to them, making them our own. I'm generally attracted to lonely spaces such as this.

    I think the 2nd is my favorite image. For me it expresses the mood the best. Though it makes me think of early morning more than afternoon. :)

    Look at how well the tree handles it's trials. It's still regal, standing firm, assured that the warmer season will return.

  2. Mike! Fabulous tree! I love it! I'm so glad you posted it and thanks for the shout out of mine. I can totally see how this tree is yours... and how the scene would change throughout the day and the seasons. Beautiful images, too.

  3. Kari,
    I agree - for some reason the tree doesn't look interesting in the summer. It's only when it's surrounded by water, without leaves, and in dark light with fog that it takes on a different "personaltiy".

    Thank you. As Kari commented above, it's interesting how we can claim these things as personal.
